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Pidgin 2.5.7 for Ubuntu fixes Yahoo Login Issues

Pidgin, the GTK+ frontend to libpurple, has released Pidgin 2.5.7 for Ubuntu. This new release adds support for the latest Yahoo Protocol 16 to fix login problems the multi-protocol messaging client has had with Yahoo.
Another major fix is; before, each time you blocked an MSN user not on your buddy list, Pidgin got disconnected. With Pidgin 2.5.7 this no-longer happens.
Other fixes include:

* Only display the AIM “Unable to Retrieve Buddy List” message once per connection.
* When performing operations on MSN, assume users are on the MSN/Passport network if we don’t get network ID’s for them.

The Pidgin for Ubuntu now has a PPA repository for those who want to get new releases like the version 2.5.7. Although Pidgin is an Ubuntu pre-install, Ubuntu does not update or upgrade like it does with Firefox – – except for security purposes, so add the following PPA to your ect/apt/sources.list and update to Pidgin 2.5.7

Copy-and-paste these commands into a terminal:
[Code Updated]
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu `lsb_release --short --codename` main | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pidgin-ppa.list

and authenticate with

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 67265eb522bdd6b1c69e66ed7fb8bee0a1f196a8

Now Pidgin updates will show up in your Update Manager. Updating to Pidgin 2.5.7 means installing these four packages via the Update Manager; libpurple-bin, libpurple0, pidgin, pidgin-data.

Open Source Pidgin supports chat networks like AIM, Google Talk, MSN, MySpaceIM, Yahoo! and many others.

via [Pidgin 2.5.7 ]