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GStreamer for Ubuntu,Debian Mp3

By • Mar 26th, 2007 • Filed under: Multimedia

Gnu/Linux Ubuntu does not riproduce MP3 files, this means you’ve got to install it yourself, if not you would not be able to play you’re mp3 files. Ubuntu simply wants to avoid legal problems in countries where mp3 licence is needed. In the “Synaptic Package Manager” in System/Administration move over to “Settings” then “Repositories”. On […]

XMMS for Linux Mp3

By • Mar 26th, 2007 • Filed under: Multimedia

XMMS is so far the fastest and easiest way to get your Mp3 tracks playing. It is available in the repositries of many Linux distributions like Ubuntu, thus very practical to install. First update and control you’re repositories in sources.list /etc/apt/source.list then do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list To uncomment a line just take off the # […]