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Mozilla Firefox join hands with StopBadware.org to combat Badware

By • Sep 17th, 2008 • Filed under: Firefox, Security

Mozilla Firefox is the newest sponsor of the StopBadware.org project, that has amongst other sponsor big names like Google, PayPal, Lenovo, AOL and Trend Micro. These companies together with StopBadware.org form a common front in the fight against the proliferation of badware in the web. StopBadware.org is a Harvard University initiative to protect Internet and […]

Google – What the hell is going on

By • Mar 13th, 2008 • Filed under: Extras

When Morgan Lighter, a friend of mine, told me that he got a strange message/warning from Google when he clicked on my website, I thought it was a joke or nothing serious and deiced not to investigate any further. I prefer writing without bothering much about what goes around the blogsphere or Googlesphere. I control […]