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Nokia N8, the first Symbian^3 Smartphone

By • Apr 28th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source

Nokia N8 with open source Symbian platform version 3 atop has been launched, but reviews from TechCrunch and Mobile-Review are not so positive – It seems Nokia can’t really deliver an iPhone beater. “Symbian 3 adds a raft of iPhone-style multi-touch controls, including pinch to zoom. It also presents three home screens full of apps […]

Symbian has been completely Open-Sourced

By • Feb 5th, 2010 • Filed under: Linux Distros, Open-Source

The mobile Operating System, Symbian goes completely open source – all the Symbian source code that comprises 108 packages is now available for free to all under the Eclipse license (EPL) version 1.0. The Symbian Foundation consider this transition from proprietary to open source as the biggest of its kind in software history. The Symbian […]