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Partially integrate Pidgin with Skype using the Skype API Plugin

What about integrating your open source, multi-platform, multi-protocol instant messaging client Pidgin with Skype? Even though the outcome is not so overwhelming, using the Skype API Plugin gives you the possibility to add your Skype contacts to your Pidgin IM. The API also imports your regular in-out phone contact numbers – but not without a few drawbacks.

– You still can’t make voice calls through Pidgin, so you better use this plugin for Skype accounts you often use for instant messaging, naturally with Skype running in the background.

This Skype plugin for Pidgin is just a start to getting Skype (which not open source and does not make available its source codes) more intergrated with Pidgin, whilst hoping that one day Skype would atleast begin to follow Open Source standards for IM.
This plugin is a free download for all platforms.