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Google China Service Availability

Google has announced the end of hostilities with China, and has stopped censoring its (Google) services in China,

So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing uncensored, traditional Chinese service, also from Google.com.hk. Due to the increased load on our Hong Kong servers and the complicated nature of these changes, users may see some slowdown in service or find some products temporarily inaccessible as we switch everything over

but this is the state of Google Services in China, many blocked services; YouTube, Sites, Blogger.
More here on the Google blog ~ A new approach to China: an update