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After 15 years Wine finally releases version 1.0


After 15 years of beta releases, the Wine (Windows on Linux) project finally releases version 1.0. Presently there are 1,241 Windows applications that install and run on Wine – these are found under the Platinum category; the other categories are;
Gold – Applications that work flawlessly with some DLL overrides or other settings, crack,
Silver – Applications that work excellently for ‘normal use’,
Bronze – Applications that work but have some issues, even for ‘normal use’,
Garbage – Applications that don’t work as intended, there should be at least one bug report if an app gets this rating. Naturally the Platinum applications are the most important

Wine, the volunteer based project will release the 1.0 version on its 15th birthday, that will be on the 6th of June, the team looks forward to have Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2 well tested, and full operational on Wine by that date.