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What WordPress Plugins do you use?

What are your favourite plugins? Here’s a little survey/question for WordPress users out there and the answers are usually pointing at a plugin of one kind or another – so I thought I’d let you know what I’m using – but only on the condition that you show me yours. I found this post very interesting that i had to copy it. The original is on Problogger
Here are my active plugins:

Spam Karma 2 – Reloaded – picks up 99% of comment spam
Page Navigation 1.5 – puts the page numbers at the bottom of the main and category pages to help with navigation
Related Posts 1.3.3 – at the bottom of each indivclassual post page are 5 related article to encourage readers to stick around
Subscribe To Comments 2.0.2 – a recent feature to help readers keep track of older conversations (not sure if anyone’s using it?)
WP-ContactForm 1.1– Contact form plugin
WordPress Email Notification Plugin v2.1 – the plugin behind my weekly newsletter – basic but good
Akismet for Anti-Spam. Its very efficient
Adsense-Deluxe. Adding Pubs to blog becomes easier.
Subscribe Me plugins for Feeds
Now I’ve shown you mine – time to show me yours.