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First Oracle branded VirtualBox Released, Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2

VirtualBox 3.2

Oracle just announced the release of the latest version of VirtualBox. “The VirtualBox team today released a significant new version of Oracle VM VirtualBox(TM), its high performance, cross-platform virtualization software. VirtualBox 3.2, the first Oracle branded release since the acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Inc by Oracle Corp. earlier this year, contains many innovative new features which deliver further significant improvements in performance, power and supported guest operating system platforms.”

Oracle’s VirtualBox 3.2 features new Storage I/O subsystem which uses asynchronous I/O to achieve high-performance whilst maintaining high data integrity, Intel latest hardware support (Intel Core i5 and i7 processor and Intel Xeon processor 5600 Series), Remote Display Protocol (RDP) video acceleration, in-hypervisor networking. VirtualBox 3.2 also supports multi-headed virtual machines with up to 8 virtual monitors attached to a guest, support for deleting snapshot while VirtualBox is running has been added, for memory ballooning and even for Page Fusion.

Java bindings that featured in VB beta 2 were removed, they’ll be added in a future maintenance release. All platforms support guests that require USB input devices, issues with USB input devices in Ubuntu Lucid have been fixed. Now supported too are the latest version of Oracle’s flagship Linux platform, Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5
Ubuntu 10.04 (“Lucid Lynx”) both the desktop and server versions and Mac OS X guests on Apple hardware only.

VirtualBox 3.2.0 is available to download for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris. Ubuntu user can install it via the repository;
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian
wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.2

More on the Release Notes