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A TestDrive PyGTK Front-end on the way

With TestDrive testing Ubuntu pre-releases has never been easier. TestDrive for now runs only from the terminal, but that will not be for long as the team behind the project is working on a graphical user interface (GUI) that will make the already easy-to-use command-line application more intuitive to non-technical Ubuntu users and command-line haters.

TestDrive automatically downloads the latest working Ubuntu pre-release ISO and then configures a launch-able virtual machine (VM). It caches the ISO image and using rsync it updates the parts that change as the development gradually evolves so that you don’t have to download the whole ISO every time you want to test a new daily build.

As the mockups show users will be able to select which Ubuntu flavor (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, UbuntuStudio, Mythbuntu, Edubuntu, Server) daily ISO’s he/she would like to test drive as well as on which architectures, this will be handled via a Preferences Dialog that will be added down the road.

TestDrive Front-end will certainly be able to “force” many more Ubuntu users to test drive Ubuntu pre-releases. This will subsequently increase much-needed feedback to the Ubuntu development team. It will soon be packaged and released for testing but you can install command-line TestDrive with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:testdrive/ppa && sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install testdrive.

A Testdrive Front-end onIf you’re interested in this project then refer to the following;