Chritter: A Google Chrome Twitter Extension

Chritter is a Google Chrome extension that places non-intrusive Twitter updates on your Chrome Status Bar. So whilst navigating with your Chrome Browser, Twitter updates appear down there and keep you informed on what your contacts are up to.
This Twitter notifier fetches Twitter updates in a five minutes interval. Updates can consists of, Notes, Linkifys http://links, @usernames and #hashtags. This means Tweets, Retweets and Replies; all go through.
Twitter links open up web pages in a new Tab on the current-working Chrome window.
Chritter doesn’t ask for your password after installation like other Twitter clients, it uses the new Twitter API, OAuth to sign in. OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows users to approve application to act on their behalf without sharing their password.
Chritter saves your access token as a Bookmark, so to sign-out go to the Chrome Browser Bookmarks and look for ChritterToken (click to sign out).
Given that Chritter uses your Status Bar for its updates, what happens when you carry-out an operation that uses the Status Bar, for example, if you hover your mouse over a link?
Since the Status Bar is occupied, this information is displayed in a stripe pop-up window.
Chritter reminds me of similar extension for Firefox called Yip, that brings Taskbar tray pop-up notifications, for web applications