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Introducing Sabayon Linux 3.5 – Stable Release

The Italian made Gentoo based Linux distro Sabayon goes 3.5. This version, code name Ibex Poacher, (referring to Ubuntu Ibex Intrepid) comes with many major improvements with respect to previous versions – hardware detection is immediately noticeable. It was rather easy to configure on my old Sony Vaio FR215S, even my external Wireless Card had no issues and playing with the easy-to-setup 3D Desktop that uses Compiz Fusion was fun.

Major ready to use packages include the recently released Firefox 3,GNOME 2.22.2, OpenOffice 2.4, Wine 1.1.0, FluxBox, amule and the VMWare open source counterpart Innotek VirtualBox, (that I use on Ubuntu 8.04) presently developed by Sun Microsystems as part of its Sun xVM virtualization platform. More features >>

The presence of proprietary and non-GPL software for Nvclassia, ATI (also present in Ubuntu) and Google could be an issue for open source purist – run it with the “noproprietary” boot flag.

Sabayon Linux is released under the GNU/GPL License.