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Firefox 3.0.1 released to render 8 Million Firefox 3 Stable and Secure

Firefox 3 tries to regain fame and prclasse with Firefox 3.0.1 – this patch is suppose to redeem the over 8 Million download-users of Firefox 3 from the security flaws that came-up hours after Firefox 3 was released. The bug could permit an attacker to run malicious code on a computer via a link, email or webpage.

Updating to Firefox 3.0.1 fixes :
– Crash with malformed GIF file on Mac OS X
– Command-line URLs launch multiple tabs when Firefox not running
– Remote code execution by overflowing CSS reference count

To quickly get your update go to the Help menu and click Check for Updates.
In Ubuntu Check For Updates is Greyed Out. Use the command

gksudo firefox

to open Firefox as root – then Check for Updates at the Help Menu.