Solang Photo Manager 0.2 Released
Solang the open source Photo Manager for the Gnome Desktop keeps growing. It was first mention here on this blog when it was at its very first release -- version 0.1, now its at version 0.2.
Solang 0.2 comes with new features like;
- UI elements for navigating within the browser renderer — previous page, next page, first page and last page.
- Flickr importer to import photos from Flickr.
- Editor infrastructure. A new editor renderer; and support for
rotation, flipping, and undo, redo of operations.
but it also comes with new dependencies ; Flickcurl, LibSoup and WebKit Gtk+ to be added to these;
libcairomm-1.0-dev libexiv2-dev libgdamm3.0-dev libgda3-sqlite
libgdl-1-dev libglade2-dev libgphoto2-dev libgtkimageview-dev
libgtkmm-2.4-dev libmagick++-dev
For more on the new features in Solang 0.2, hit the link below and move to the authors website.
via Santanu’s Mindspace ~ Solang 0.2 released