Hit Tab to Search within Google Chrome Address Bar “Omnibox”

Just a little tip you can put into use when searching sites that you’ve previously visited in the Chrome address bar also known as the Omnibox.
It seems to work only on websites like Google.com, Facebook, Youtube, that we all frequently visit. Each time you start typing the name of any website you often visit, say google.com in Omnibox, after the first letters the Chrome address bar suggests the name of the site with auto-complete. In the case of some websites like those mentioned above omnibox also offers the option to search the site.

With that “Press Tab to search …” on, hit the Tab key on your keyboard and transform the address bar into a search box.

This function powers-up omnibox and saves you a few more clicks when you find it necessary to search within certain sites.
You can easily try this on those sites mentioned above, it seems it take a bit more time to come on other web sites.