Command-Line Switches for Opera Linux

It seems newly released Opera 10 for Linux has dropped the word “page” from Opera command-line flags. Previous versions of Opera –newpage and –backgroundpage flags that have become –newtab and –backgroundtab respectively in Opera 10. Its only a renomination, their functions are the same. BTW the “page” flags are not yet obsolete. A new entry in the list of flags is the –activetab that opens a link in the current tab.
-newtab open link in new tab (default behavior)
-activetab open link in current tab
-backgroundtab open link in background tab
Other interesting switches that have “always” been present in the Opera browser;
-newwindow open link in new window
-fullscreen start in full screen state
-notrayicon do not show an Opera icon in system tray
-kioskmode the browser lets the user browse for the necessary information, but denies access to the computer and browser settings.
-nomail start Opera without internal e-mail client
-nowin do not use saved sessions or homepage
-mail starts displaying unread mails
-help displays command line help
Flag combination is accepted; opera -notrayicon -fullscreen will load opera without an icon in the system tray and in full screen mode but standalone url arguments or ‘-newwindow’, ‘-newtab’, ‘-backgroundtab’, ‘-nowin’ will disable -remote commands
Also worth mentioning are Opera remote commands:
openURL() open "Go to" dialog box prompting for input
openURL(url) open url in active window
To get the complete list, type in the terminal opera -help or ? and scroll down the page.
-kioskmode is an interesting flag (lets the user browse for the necessary information, but denies access to the computer and browser settings). With opera -kioskhelp you’ll get a run-down of Kiosk Mode Switches -- these are classentical for the Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX platforms.