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Protect Your Passwords with MyPasswordSafe


MyPasswordSafe is free security software that serves as a sought of a single protecting gate-way to all your desktop and web applications. It offers a single file to store usernames and passwords, and encrypts this file using the Blowfish algorithm unto your computer, and passes them into your clipboard (the clipboard is a tool that is used for short-term storage of data as it is transferred between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations) without displaying them. MyPasswordSafe also generates random passwords and can be used on dual boot systems.
On Debian based system like Ubuntu you can install it with a simple

sudo apt-get install mypasswordsafe

and Take note that it does not create a link on the Desktop or on the Application panel so you’ll have to run it from a terminal with MyPasswordSafe
MyPasswordSafe is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.