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Updating to Adobe AIR 2.0 Beta

Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR gets a major upgrade as it moves to version 2.0. This is still a beta release, but a beta worth trying given the many improvements this beta has with respect to Adobe AIR 1.0. Despite the many flaws in version 1.0 it still succeeded in pushing to our desktops great applications like the Twitter client TweetDeck.

Some features included in Adobe AIR 2 beta:

– Support for the detection of mass storage devices.
– Advanced networking capabilities like secure sockets, UDP support, and the ability to listen on sockets.
– Support for native code integration.
– The ability to open a file with its default application.
– Multi-touch and gesture support.
– New APIs for access to raw microphone data.
– Webkit update with HTML5/CSS3 support.
– Global error handling.
– Improved cross-platform printing

Ubuntu: To install Air Jordan em i beg your pardon Adobe Air 2.0 in your Ubuntu box first make sure you completely remove any previous version. You can do that by simply searching for adobeair in the Synaptic Package Manager, then mark for complete removal. Download the AdobeAir Deb package made available this time around and install. RPM packages are also available for Red Hat based Linux distributions.

AIR 2 Release Notes ~ Download Adobe AIR 2.0 beta