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Free Access To Anonymous VPNs Via VPN Gate

By • Apr 10th, 2013 • Filed under: Freeware, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

VPN Gate is an academic experiment project carried out by the Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan with the aim to circumvent government firewalls. With the motto “We No Need Berlin Wall on the Internet” Nobori, the creator of VPN Gate wants to help individuals in countries that restrict the use of Internet by perceptually blocking websites (Pirate Bay, KAT, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook, etc), with a system that is not only simple to use, but is also completely free.

How to install L2TP/IPSec VPN on Ubuntu

By • Apr 10th, 2013 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

This guide will take you through the installation of L2TP over IPsec VPN connections on your Linux workstation, be it Mint or Ubuntu.