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Kali Linux offers new brand of Security Auditing Tools

By • Mar 6th, 2013 • Filed under: Linux Distros, Open-Source, Security

The guys at Offensive Security, the same group behind the ormai famous BackTrack OS have announced the release of Kali Linux, a new distribution for penetration testing and security . So why build another penetration tool? Kali targets primarily enterprise security, offering a wider range of testing tools that include Metasploit, Wireshark, John the Ripper, […]

Test how secure are your passwords with Password Meter

By • Mar 26th, 2008 • Filed under: Security, WordPress

Find out how secure are your passwords with this online tool called Password Meter. It would tell if your mother’s surname you use as password is secure enough. This tool able to show you exactly where your password “fails” and where it “excels”. Putting together Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Symbols makes a better password, […]