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Configure Firefox to consume less RAM.

By • Aug 29th, 2007 • Filed under: Firefox, Ubuntu, Windows

If you think that Firefox is consuming a lot of memory than try out this. Go to the address bar on your Firefox browser and write about:config Write down on the filter browser.cache and select browser.cache.disk.capacity. By default it’s usually set to 50000. This value could be lowered depending on how much ram you have. […]

Linux Tips: Who is using the RAM

By • Jul 20th, 2007 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks

When the Pc is unexpectedly slow its difficult to know what program is slowing it down. It could be the many processes in execution, or insufficient RAM or excessive use of the virtual memory (the swap) The fastest way to diagnose this situation is to verify how the system is using the RAM. The free […]