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Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 1 Released

By • Jun 3rd, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Canonical has just released the first Alpha of upcoming Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat its now available for download. Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat will have altogether four alpha releases before the first beta in September 23rd. Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 1 still looks very much like Ubuntu 10.04 final, but contains lots of new code. It is […]

Maverick Meerka, the Mascot of Ubuntu 10.10

By • Apr 2nd, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 10.10 that will be out in October 2010 has been codenamed Maverick Meerka. Mark Shuttleworth made the announcement on his blog, where he also announced pertinent changes in this upcoming release cycle. This is a time of change, and we’re not afraclass to surprise people with a bold move if the opportunity for dramatic […]

Ubuntu 10.04 codenamed Lucid Lynx

By • Sep 20th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

“Ubuntu is known for having the funkiest release code names around”. Well, that’s very true, and keeping in line with this tradition Ubuntu 10.04 also gets an equally funky codename: Lucid Lynx. Waat!!!. And the code names won’t get better, suggestion for the code name of Ubuntu 10.10 are on the way. It might fall […]