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Make Internet Explorer to always Plug-In Google Chrome

By • Sep 25th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Windows

To make Internet Explorer open up your web pages in Chrome, first you have to download and install the Chrome Frame plug-in on your Windows PC. Secondly, each time you want to open a web page with Internet Explorer, you need to manually add the URL prefix: cf to enable the Chrome engine . For […]

Google plugs in Chrome into Internet Explorer

By • Sep 22nd, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Web Utilities

Google has released a plug-in for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 called Google Chrome Frame that brings Google Chrome’s rendering engine inside IE. This open source plug-in practically turns IE into Chrome, so users of Internet Explorer can as well try web applications like Google Wave from their favorite web browser. Google Chrome Frame […]