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GIMP 2.6.9 Released

By • Jun 24th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source

While waiting for the official release of Gimp 2.7 that introduces the ‘single window mode’ and other goodies, Gimp has just been updated to version 2.6.9, a regular 2.6 stable branch release with no new features but many bug fixes that handle issues in Gimp 2.6.8 such as; shared memory leaks, issues when importing PDF […]

Gimp (2.7) Single Window Mode – Love at first Sight

By • Jan 14th, 2010 • Filed under: Open Source Advocacy, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

It’s no news that Gimp 2.8 is going to have a single-window optional mode – it has been confirmed, but Gimp 2.8 will have other goodies like ‘Multiple column inspectors’, ‘Polaroclass overlays’ and ‘Switch between open images using an easy history thumbnail bar’ – this last option is already present in Gimp 2.7, you can […]

Gimp Arrow Plug-ins

By • Oct 26th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, PortableApps, Ubuntu, Windows

For Windows, Linux: The popular open source, GNU Image Manipulation Program, Gimp is well known for its extensibility – Freely downloadable plug-ins that practically render certain tasks less time-wasting, like that of adding arrows or indicators on images. You can make the indicators yourself or use plug-in-furnished arrows like those on the Gimp Help website. […]

A Single Window Mode for Gimp Image Editor v2.8

By • Sep 21st, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

The popular open source graphics editor Gimp, also known as the best free image editor alternative to commercial Photoshop gets the easy-to-use single windows mode. Not that the multiple floating window interface was bad, on big monitors those windows don’t get on your way, but that a good number of Gimp users who certainly use […]