The not yet official OCR (Optical character recognition) feature in Google Docs can carry-out image to text conversions on high resolution files. All you have to do is upload your scanned images that have to be in JPG, GIF, or PNG formats to the OCR feature so that it can be OCR’ed. This feature still […]
After celebrating its first birthday two weeks ago Google Chrome moved on and today it launches a super stable version of Google Chrome 3 web browser. Feature-full Google Chrome comes with, Speedy Chrome: This stable version of Chrome is the fastest ever, its faster than any previous stable version. Google says they’ve improved it “by […]
The busy Google Labs has launched a new service called Fast Flip – “a new reading experience that combines the best elements of print and online articles” to speed up slow browsing when reading news online. Fast Flip aims at letting “you rapclassly flip forward to the content you like, without the constant wait for […]
“The new, larger Google search box features larger text when you type so you can see your query more clearly. It also uses a larger text size for the suggestions below the search box, making it easier to select one of the possible refinements.” … thats what it takes to be Google, little but significant […]
This is a freshly new but unofficial Google Chrome theme that gives your Chrome browser a swimming pool type of background. Its very similar to the Clouds Theme released a few months back but with a cool and refreshing impact -- remember its summer time.