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Sergey talks about the Android Platform on this Video

By • Nov 24th, 2007 • Filed under: Open Source Advocacy, Video

After much talk about the Gphone, Google’s Engineering Director, Steve Horowitz says “there is actually no Gphone” instead there is the so-called Android platform that would permit thousands of people to create Gphones. On this video Steve together with Sergey Brin talk about the availability of the SDK(now available for download), Open Source and the […]

Gphone – Andy Rubin talks about his upcoming Android

By • Nov 9th, 2007 • Filed under: Open Source Advocacy, Video

The fellow behind Android, Google’s mobile phone, Andy Rubin together with other members of the crew talk about the so-called Gphone. Basically, Android is a Google’s term for a Linux operating system, desktop and applications. Little is known about Android as these guys operate under a cloak of secrecy. The video tries to get us […]