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Linux users need a Microsoft Office license to use Office Web Apps

By • May 12th, 2010 • Filed under: Web Utilities, Windows

Unbelievable but true, Tim Anderson’s ITWriting after a conversation with Jeff Teper (Microsoft’s Corporate VP of the Office Business Platform) reports on his blog that Linux fanbois that want to run Microsoft Office’s Web Apps will need a Microsoft Office license even though the MS Office desktop suite doesn’t run on Linux desktops.

Microsoft’s Offensive Browser Comparison Chart

By • Jun 22nd, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

What do you call this? I call it bullshit propaganda. Microsoft pits up IE8 against Firefox and Google Chrome and in all ten cases, IE8 comes out victorious or almost. It seems the browser-war is driving Microsoft crazy. Howdid they come-up with blatant lies like Sure, Firefox may win in sheer number of add-ons, but […]

Windows 7: Finally Internet Explorer Browser becomes an Option

By • Mar 11th, 2009 • Filed under: Windows

… Sounds crazy. With Windows 7 it would be possible to turn-off Internet Explorer 8, but not uninstall it — not yet. So after 12 long years, with the help of the EU (European Union) Windows partially-divorces with one of its most controversial applications, Internet Explorer -IE. This naturally makes way for a more “open” […]

Microsoft to acquire Yahoo

By • Feb 1st, 2008 • Filed under: Blog World

Microsoft Chief Executive Officer, Steve Ballmer writes a letter to Yahoo Inc, proposing to buy the Search Engine for about $44.6 billion. Microsoft tries to take advantage of the difficult period Yahoo is facing and intends to get deep down into online advertising and breakdown the Google dominance. An extract of the letter says; “While […]