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How to Setup a LAMP Server on Ubuntu – Locally run and test WordPress on LAMP Server

By • May 12th, 2008 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Ubuntu

Many think that setting up a local Web Server is costly, and can be done by professionals only. It is not true. Nowadays it easy to setup one yourself, without spending a dime and without any headache. Why would a non professional or blogger need a Web Server? You can test new WordPress themes, plugins, […]

Sun Microsystems acquires MySQL for one billion dollars

By • Jan 16th, 2008 • Filed under: Open Source Advocacy, Open-Source

Sun Microsystems confirms that it would be buying MySQL AB the firm that sells the worlds fastest growing open source database for about $ 1 billion. I’ve been using Mysql for about six years now and the idea that it is moving over sounds strange. I can hide my mix-fillings on this; anxiety and disbelief. […]

From Windows to Linux

By • Apr 13th, 2007 • Filed under: Linux Distros, Linux Tips and Tricks

For many companies and individuals migrating from Windows to Linux makes sense. The reasons are compelling: greater stability and reliability, lower cost, access to application source code, greater security, and conformity with open standards, according to numerous independent studies and industry experts. But what does it really take to make this move. What risks are […]