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How to Install LibreOffice 4 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 12.10

By • Feb 9th, 2013 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

The Document Foundation is announcing the release of LibreOffice version 4.0. Libreoffice is a forked version of OpenOffice with a very active developer community contributing to it. During the last seven months, since the branch of LibreOffice 3.6 and during the entire development cycle of LibreOffice 4.0, developers have made over 10,000 commits. On average, […]

Integrating Zoho Online Office Suite with Ubuntu [Ubuntu 10.04]

By • Apr 19th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu Mobile Developer, Jamie Bennett is working on a project that integrates the online Zoho office suite with Ubuntu, starting with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. Well the obvious question is, why another office suite when Ubuntu ships with OpenOffice.org Office Suite? Open Office is great but its just too heaver for systems with very low resources, […]