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How to send Text Messages with Skype for Linux on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

By • Jun 20th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Ubuntu, Voip

If after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope you found out that you could no longer Send Text Messages with Skype for Linux, then this is what you should do – – A quick wall-through for you.

Ubuntu: How to send Text Messages with Skype for Linux

By • Feb 5th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Ubuntu, Voip

For several reasons, I often prefer sending text messages to making a call – Text messages often give me a sense of privacy and discreetness especially at work. Being a huge Skype user, the absence of this feature for the Linux version of Skype has always been a problem… Skype is neither open source nor […]