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FirefoxNotify Add-On Brings Pop-Up Download Notification in Ubuntu 9.04

By • Jul 21st, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 9.04 notification alerts still has to be exploited by many applications like Firefox. Mumbles, for example tries to bring Mac growl-like pop-up notifications to several Ubuntu apps like Pidgin, Thunderbird, Amarok and Firefox, whilst FirefoxNotify does so only for Firefox, just like Skype-Notify Script ; a Skype for Linux only pop-up notifier. Single purpose […]

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Round-Up

By • Jun 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Round-Up started from here: Quick and Simple Tips to Personalize your Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope It will be a good start to mention some of the annoyances Ubuntu 9.04 comes along with, and their respective solutions, gathered from the web/Ubuntu Community. The first is; Reinstating the Ctrl + Alt + BackSpace […]

Quick and Simple Tips to Personalize your Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

By • Apr 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Quick and Simple Tips to Personalize your Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope – – with Me. I’m now on my freshly installed Ubuntu 9.04, like many others out there. I prefered, backing-up, formatting and doing a new install – – all went smoothly. I Immediately noticed that Ubuntu 9.04 is pretty fast at boot-up – – […]

Ubuntu-Studio 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Screenshot Tour

By • Apr 24th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

First look at the recently released Ubuntu Studio 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”: Ubuntu Studio remains a derivative of Ubuntu, but it is multimedia geared. If you’re multimedia inclined, then this is the distribution for you. You can make it your production box, by filling it up with all the left-out packages you’ll find on Ubuntu like, […]

Ubuntu-Studio 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Released

By • Apr 24th, 2009 • Filed under: Ubuntu

Now available for Download: Ubuntu Studio 9.04 is now out of the dark. The Ubuntu multimedia-focused version for audio, video and graphic enthusiast comes as a heavy DVD package, full of juicy open-source applications for multimedia creation.