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GnoMenu gets ‘wrapped up’ in Avant Window Navigator (AWN) 0.4 Beta

By • Nov 11th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Linux Tips and Tricks, Open-Source, Ubuntu

GnoMenu , eye-candy Applications Menu will have version 2.0 out soon, maybe on the 15th of this month and Avant Window Navigator, my favorite dock will soon be releasing version 0.4 with support for non composited Linux desktops. Right now you can get version also considered as AWN 0.4 beta from PPA for Awn […]

Getting Awn dock on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon

By • Mar 11th, 2008 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Avant Window Navigator (Awn) makes up a custom launcher that looks and acts like Mac OS X Dock. It can be customized to soothe your taste – docking new applications can be done with a simple drag and drop; on Gutsy Gibbon it is enough to drag icons from /usr/share/applications unto the dock. To Install […]