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Improve your Clipboard with Parcellite Clipboard Manager

By • Jul 24th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Open-Source, Ubuntu

This issue is not present in Ubuntu 9.04 or better still Gnome 2.26; you cut, copy and paste even when the copied source is closed, the clipboard will not be cleared. In Ubuntu’s prior to Ubuntu 9.04 this issue was often resolved with a clipboard manager. Clipboard managers like the GTK+ lightweight Parcellite have a […]

Protect Your Passwords with MyPasswordSafe

By • Nov 13th, 2007 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Linux Tips and Tricks

MyPasswordSafe is free security software that serves as a sought of a single protecting gate-way to all your desktop and web applications. It offers a single file to store usernames and passwords, and encrypts this file using the Blowfish algorithm unto your computer, and passes them into your clipboard (the clipboard is a tool that […]