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Google Public DNS – A free DNS Service

By • Dec 5th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Google has a launched a new service, well that no news, what makes news is that it’s a free DNS (Domain Name System) service called Google Public DNS. Why will Google offer a service you already have, given that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) automatically handles the switching between easy-to-remember domain names and unique Internet […]

How to Setup Open-Source UltraVPN in Ubuntu

By • Nov 24th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

In Windows its quite easy to setup a VPN (virtual private network) client like the open source UltraVPN client that is fully based on OpenVPN. In windows system it takes less than a minute to get UltraVPN up and running – time spent in downloading, installing and creating a UltraVPN account. In Ubuntu takes a […]