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Firefox Mobile 1.1 for your Nokia Maemo Devices

By • Jul 2nd, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

Firefox for Maemo 1.1 is now available to download for Maemo devices (Nokia N900, N810). Users of Maemo devices with Firefox Mobile, Fennec installed will shortly receive updates.

Mozilla Crash Reporter comes to Firefox Mobile

By • May 26th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

Latest Firefox Mobile nightly builds, pushed out today for testing have enabled the Mozilla Crash Reporter provided by Breakpad. Breakpad crash reporting tool (developed by Google engineers) together with Socorro (a server to accept and process Breakpad crash reports) offer a common crash reporting system for Firefox 3, Thunderbird 3, SeaMonkey 2 and now Firefox […]

Firefox Mobile 1.1 Beta for Nokia N900

By • Apr 29th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox

Firefox Mobile 1.1 beta 1 for Nokia’s Maemo platform is now available. Nokia N900 owners can grab and test this beta version that introduces many new UI (User Interface) features. Firefox Mobile 1.1 beta is built on the same browser engine as Firefox 3.6 for desktop computers, much has been done on to improve the […]

Firefox Mobile ‘Fennec’ for Android

By • Apr 28th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

Mozilla’s Firefox-mobile browser, “Fennec” now has a pre-alpha version for Android devices. This early build is aimed at getting feedback from the community. According to the developers, Fennec “Android” has been tested only on the Motorola Droidand Google’s Nexus One. Whilst some bugs might cause your phone to stop responding, requiring a reboot, and memory […]

Looks of Firefox Mobile 1.1

By • Apr 6th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source

Firefox Mobile 1.1 will soon be out on our Nokia Maemo mobiles, for that event, Mozilla is polishing up its mobile browser User Interface. Firefox Mobile for Android will have the same UI like that of Firefox ‘Maemo’. A few screenshots of the upcoming web browser have been posted at Mark Finkle’s Weblog. The first […]