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Gnote gets Synchronization, install via PPA

By • Apr 18th, 2013 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Gnote, the mono free Tomboy clone finally gets in-built synchronization.

Solang and Gnote make it into Ubuntu 9.10 Repository

By • Oct 20th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Your mono-free photo manager for Gnome and non, Solang (alternative to F-Spot)) is now included in Ubuntu 9.10 repositories. Karmic Koala users can now install Solang v0.3 from the command-line with sudo apt-get install solang or via the “Ubuntu Software Center”.

Synchronize Tomboy Notes with Ubuntu One

By • Jul 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu

For those who use Gnome’s in-built Tomboy notes, the easiest way to synchronize and share your notes automatically with all your Ubuntu computers is by using your Ubuntu One account rather than WebDAV or SSH. Ubuntu One is a Dropbox type of service by Canonical.

Gnote: a Mono-Free Alternative to Tomboy Notes

By • Jun 17th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Tomboy is a wiki-style desktop note-taking application originally developed for Linux and Unix operating systems, but is now fully supported on Windows and Mac OS X and is very famous amongst Ubuntu users. This light-weight open source application aims at improving your productivity as it helps you organize pieces of information grabbed from here and […]