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The Perfect Mozilla Firefox Blog

By • Dec 1st, 2007 • Filed under: Firefox, Security

Well, after looking at the statistics of my blog, I felt it was necessary to write this post because I noticed about 88.3% of the visitors of this blog use Mozilla Firefox- WOW, whilst only 7.2% of the visitors use IE. If you are one of the 7.2% then know you are EVIL. IE is […]

Konqueror – File Sharing and Browser is better than

By • Apr 27th, 2007 • Filed under: Browsers, Linux Packages, Open-Source

Konqueror is a great application which is often overlooked and inappropriately looked down upon. The more I use Konqueror, the more I come to love it and the more ‘hidden’ features I find. Here we will talk about the File Sharing aspect of Konqueror. See the other aspects HERE But because of the browser war […]