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Add Last.FM Toolbar to Firefox with Fire.FM

By • Aug 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Fire.FM is a Firefox extension that adds an excellent Last.FM toolbar to Firefox. This Last.Fm toolbar makes it unnecessary to keep a Last.Fm streaming music web page open in the background whilst you get along with your affairs.

SongBird 1.2 Released

By • Jun 18th, 2009 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

The popular open source music player Songbird goes 1.2. The new version is said to include full integration with iTunes. The 2-way Sync with iTunes permits those who buy content from iTunes Music Store to export iTunes library tracks and playlists into Songbird and vice versa, that is, you can also export your Songbird tracks […]

Ubuntu:Complete your XBMC Media Center with YouTube Playlists and Give it Better Looks with XBMC Skin Manager

By • Feb 14th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Multimedia, Open-Source

XBMC Media Center (formerly XBox Media Center) is a free and open source application for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Xbox, that can turn your Ubuntu 8.04 LTS or 8.10 into a veritable media center platform, with video playback, streaming video, audio, images, playlist playback, slideshows and more. – If you’ve been using Microsoft’s […]