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Miro 2.5 Final now Available for Download

By • Jul 24th, 2009 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video

After presenting here on this blog Miro 2.5 RC 1, and Miro 2.5 RC 2, the final release of the popular open source, cross-platform internet media browser and player, Miro is now available for download with its release notes that strangely have never been available with the Beta versions. The big thing in this major […]

Miro 2.5 RC2 Released

By • Jul 18th, 2009 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video, Windows

The final edition of Miro 2.5 will soon hit the road, but for now grab the second release candidate of Miro 2.5. Very few changes seem to have been made to this second release candidate apart a few tweaks on the database and on VLC rendering code used on Miro for Windows. This will be […]

Get your Hands on Miro 2.5 RC1

By • Jul 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video, Windows

The Miro team has released the first Release Candidate of Miro version 2.5. There is not much information on what Miro 2.5 is supposed to be, but it seem much emphasis has been made to make Miro faster to launch and easier to hack on. This open source, free HD video player has packages of […]