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Solang Photo Manager for GNOME/Ubuntu

By • Jun 26th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Solang is an open source photo manager for the Gnome Desktop that looks very similar to the Gnome in-built F-Spot. This similarity is simply due to the use of F-Spot icons in Solang. Many have also tagged the new-born Solang as a Mono-Free version and alternative to F-Spot. Well, that its Mono-Free is true, Solang […]

Gnote: a Mono-Free Alternative to Tomboy Notes

By • Jun 17th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Packages, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Tomboy is a wiki-style desktop note-taking application originally developed for Linux and Unix operating systems, but is now fully supported on Windows and Mac OS X and is very famous amongst Ubuntu users. This light-weight open source application aims at improving your productivity as it helps you organize pieces of information grabbed from here and […]