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Blogs using the Ndomche Summary Theme

By • Dec 12th, 2008 • Filed under: Ndomche Themes, WordPress

Six months after the first release of the Ndomche Summary Theme – II Columns for WordPress and Blogger, I’m pleased to know that this theme is still appreciated and used, even though new WordPress themes or Blogger templates are released daily. Ndomche Summary Theme for WordPress | Ndomche Summary Theme for Blogger

Ndomche Summary Theme – III Column Version released

By • Jul 4th, 2008 • Filed under: Ndomche Themes, Open-Source, WordPress

Ndomche Summary Theme – III column version is a CSS styling theme that is built on WordPress 2.5. Unlike the II Column Version, it has practically 3 Sidebars – 2 on the Home or Index Page and a third one the Single Post – this way what features on the home page does not necessarily […]

Ndomche Summary Theme 1.2 released

By • Jun 24th, 2008 • Filed under: Ndomche Themes, Open-Source, WordPress

An improvement of the first version – Ndomche 1.0 Characteristics – For WordPress 2.5x – A better “Widgetized Sidebar”. – Top Posts sit right up there for everyone to see. – The blank header — Keep painting. – Live Demo – Theme I presently use on Kabatology – Open Source, Linux. Download Get Ndomche 1.2 […]

Ndomche Summary Theme released – A free theme for WordPress 2.5

By • Jun 5th, 2008 • Filed under: Ndomche Themes, Open-Source, Web Hosting, WordPress

Ndomche Summary Theme is a CSS styling theme that is built on WordPress 2.5 that you can style to your taste. If you have not yet upgraded to WordPress 2.5, you are advised to do so before using this theme. – With this theme your Gravatars would show up without any further customization. – This […]