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StumbleUpon Toolbar gets Web Page Sharing across Twitter and Facebook via Su.pr

By • Sep 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

“I already have the Stumble toolbar installed. Just give me a button to send to Su.pr so I can submit it to Twitter without another bookmarklet”. That’s exactly what a StumbleUpon user asked for a while ago in the Su.pr Suggestions Feedback Forum. Now the StumbleUpon team has made it possible to post a web […]

Su.pr Short Links by StumbleUpon

By • Jun 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Web Utilities, WordPress

With Su.pr is a new service by StumbleUpon that permits you to shorten a URL and share it across Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon. It’s a closed beta, and you need an invitation to get-in.

Google Chrome – The StumbleUpon Virtual Toolbar is the solution for Stumblers

By • Sep 5th, 2008 • Filed under: Browsers

For all browsers: For those StumbleUpon fans who have adopted Google Chrome as their default browser, the StumbleUpon Virtual Toolbar remains the utmost solution for you to keep in touch with your numerous contacts and to continue to give thumb-ups to your favourite web pages – given that StumbleUpon for now does not have support […]

Discover and Share your Favourite Websites Without Installing StumbleUpon Toolbar

By • Feb 13th, 2008 • Filed under: Extras, Firefox

All lovers of StumbleUpon use the traditional StumbleUpon toolbar for Mozilla and Internet Explorer to discover and share with friends their favourite websites. Given that other browsers like Opera, Safari, or Prism- the web app launcher and more do not support this toolbar for now, what can StumbleUpon fans, who use these browsers do to […]