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StumbleUpon Toolbar gets Web Page Sharing across Twitter and Facebook via Su.pr

By • Sep 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

“I already have the Stumble toolbar installed. Just give me a button to send to Su.pr so I can submit it to Twitter without another bookmarklet”. That’s exactly what a StumbleUpon user asked for a while ago in the Su.pr Suggestions Feedback Forum. Now the StumbleUpon team has made it possible to post a web […]

Su.pr Short Links by StumbleUpon

By • Jun 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Web Utilities, WordPress

With Su.pr is a new service by StumbleUpon that permits you to shorten a URL and share it across Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon. It’s a closed beta, and you need an invitation to get-in.