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Songbird for Window adds Cd Ripping and MSC Device Support

By • Dec 23rd, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Songbird, the free and open source audio player application and web browser recently updated to version 1.4.1, but after a few bugs where found in v1.4.1 it then quickly updated to the most recent version 1.4.2.

Firefox 4 Design Mock-Ups Updated

By • Dec 22nd, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Windows

Product Visual Designer of Mozilla, Stephen Horlander has posted on his blog a series of Windows design mock-ups for Firefox 4 – there is much of Opera 10.50 and Google Chrome in these mock-ups. You’ll also notice that the Application button that will certainly take the place of the file menu doesn’t seem to fit […]

Make Internet Explorer to always Plug-In Google Chrome

By • Sep 25th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Windows

To make Internet Explorer open up your web pages in Chrome, first you have to download and install the Chrome Frame plug-in on your Windows PC. Secondly, each time you want to open a web page with Internet Explorer, you need to manually add the URL prefix: cf to enable the Chrome engine . For […]

Stable Google Chrome 3 with More Features

By • Sep 15th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Windows

After celebrating its first birthday two weeks ago Google Chrome moved on and today it launches a super stable version of Google Chrome 3 web browser. Feature-full Google Chrome comes with, Speedy Chrome: This stable version of Chrome is the fastest ever, its faster than any previous stable version. Google says they’ve improved it “by […]

MobaLiveCD 2.1 Adds USB Drive Support

By • Sep 10th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, PortableApps, Windows

MobaLiveCD is a little windows executable application that permits you to run your Linux LiveCDs directly from a running Windows without the need of extra hardware. It one of the many free ways to approach Ubuntu/Linux from Windows