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Twitter Adds Design Tweaks to the Web Browser Version

By • Sep 18th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Web Utilities

Twitter adds power to your web browser by rolling out new design tweaks to the web browser that are quickly noticeable when you go to a user’s profile page. Formerly the ‘Follow’ button was the only option under the username, but now there is a newly designed follow button, and close to it there is […]

Firefox Mobile: Download Fennec Maemo 1.0 Beta 3

By • Aug 21st, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mozilla has updated its mobile edition of the Firefox browser for smaller non-PC devices like mobile phone devices and PDAs. Fennec 1.0 Beta 3 is available for the Linux based Maemo operating system that powers Nokia N800 and N810 Internet Tablets. The is also an alpha version for Windows Mobile. This beta 3.0 release focuses […]

More UI for Opera 10 beta 2

By • Jul 17th, 2009 • Filed under: Opera-Browser, Ubuntu, Windows

Gosh, Opera 10 Beta 2 comes with so many improvements, adds and fixes that makes it absolutely necessary for Opera 10 Beta 1 users to update/upgrade. Amongst the many adds in Opera 10 Beta 2 for Linux stand-out those for the User Interface; Opera Turbo warning icon A “Synchronize Opera” button in the Speed Dial […]