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Google plugs in Chrome into Internet Explorer

By • Sep 22nd, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Web Utilities

Google has released a plug-in for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 called Google Chrome Frame that brings Google Chrome’s rendering engine inside IE. This open source plug-in practically turns IE into Chrome, so users of Internet Explorer can as well try web applications like Google Wave from their favorite web browser. Google Chrome Frame […]

Synchronize your Chrome Bookmarks with Xmarks Alpha

By • Sep 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Open-Source, Windows

Google was the first to bring synchronization to Chrome development channel without any add-ons, with the switch --enable-sync, but Xmarks was the first to announce it syncs bookmarks with Chrome development channel though in closed alpha test. Now I got an invitation to try Xmarks alpha for Chrome development channel or greater. It all […]

Google Chrome Session Saver Extension

By • Aug 20th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Windows

Unofficial community-made Google Chrome browser extensions keep pouring in. I just came across the Session Saver extension which brings session saving and managing to Google Chrome. The Chrome extension is said to work in Google Chrome 3 and Google Chrome 4 dev builds.

Chritter: A Google Chrome Twitter Extension

By • Jul 2nd, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Windows

Chritter is a Google Chrome extension that places non-intrusive Twitter updates on your Chrome Status Bar. So whilst navigating with your Chrome Browser, Twitter updates appear down there and keep you informed on what your contacts are up to.