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Mumbles Brings Growl-like Notifications to your Gnome/Ubuntu Desktop

By • Jun 2nd, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

You’ve certainly have bumped into Gmail Notifier for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, the awesome little python-install application that brings Growl-like, transparent Gmail notifications to your desktop, Mumbles goes a lot further than that. Mumbles is a promising open source, plugin-driven, python application that can be re-baptised as “Growl for Linux”. Using the DBus notification system […]

Specto brings Instant Notifications and More to your Desktop

By • May 29th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Linux/Gnome: Specto, now version 0.3 release candidate 1 is a little dock-able desktop notification tool, that night-watches your email accounts, prefered websites, feeds, Facebook and informs you when these accounts are updated; say a new mail, a Facebook status update, new feeds and so on and provides a “Jump to” link to the updated account […]

Get Twitter Updates on your System Tray with Digsby

By • May 21st, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Web Utilities

Digsby, Lifehacker’s Hive Five Winner for Best System Tray Application, is a Windows-only (for now) application that bundles-up instant messaging IM, email notifications and Social Network into a simple desktop/system tray notifier or chat application.

Mozilla New Mail Icon brings Mozilla Thunderbird Email Notification to your System Tray

By • May 16th, 2009 • Filed under: Email, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Web Utilities

Mozilla New Mail Icon alias Biff is a Thunderbird extension that works on GNOME, KDE and IceWM, it docks Thunderbird into the system tray – – just like AllTray and displays an email icon (envelope) when new emails arrive in your Mozilla Thunderbird accounts.

Get Gmail Notifications with CheckGmail

By • May 4th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Ubuntu, Web Utilities