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Enrich your Pen Drive with Infodometic Objects – Portable and no-install set of Applications for Linux and BSD platforms

By • Dec 11th, 2008 • Filed under: Linux Packages, PortableApps, Ubuntu

InfoDomestic Objects are light-weight, portable, no-install applications for Linux and BSD platforms. You’ll find several must-have portable applications for your pendrive like ioFilezilla, ioSwiftFox, ioSongbird, ioWine, ioPidgin, ioOpenOffice, ioGimp, ioAmule etc. After downloading your desired application, just do

The Perfect Mozilla Firefox Blog

By • Dec 1st, 2007 • Filed under: Firefox, Security

Well, after looking at the statistics of my blog, I felt it was necessary to write this post because I noticed about 88.3% of the visitors of this blog use Mozilla Firefox- WOW, whilst only 7.2% of the visitors use IE. If you are one of the 7.2% then know you are EVIL. IE is […]

Browse without installing a browser: ioSwiftFox

By • Sep 6th, 2007 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Linux Tips and Tricks, PortableApps

For Linux Fans: This is unique, comes from the Linux world for the Linux world only. Have you ever seen a browser that runs directly from the RAM? It requires absolutely no installation and doesn’t even require root privileges to run for the first time. Presenting ioSwiftFox. Believe me, it is faster than Firefox and […]