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Speed up your Downloads with JDownloader

By • Jul 23rd, 2012 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

JDownloader is a java-based download management tool that completely automates the downloading process in popular file sharing sites like Rapidshare and Megaupload. It offers downloading in multiple parallel streams, it can circumvent captcha, auto-reconnect and let you “pause” downloads where its not permitted.

JAlbum – The Easy Way to Generate Flexible Web Albums

By • May 26th, 2009 • Filed under: Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

Mac/Windows/Linux: JAlbum is a free, flexible, cross-platform application that helps you create professional looking web albums in just a few steps. It’s explorer-like, drag-and-drop interface makes it very familiar and easy to use. Its very versatile – – it has a well furnished integrated image editor, so you can resize images, flip them, fix red […]

Password Dragon – A No-Install Multi-Platform Password Manager

By • Apr 11th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu, Web Utilities

Password Dragon is a free, multi-platform, no-install Java application. This portable password manager requires Java Runtime Environment – JRE 1.5 + for its full-functioning and uses Bruce Schneier’s Blowfish algorithm for cryptography. Ubuntu: Being a no-install, unpack the zipped package, and run with $ java -jar passworddragon.jar

Lobo Browser – An extensible all-Java web browser and RIA platform

By • Sep 11th, 2008 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source

The guys at the Lobo Project should be really heady, with all the excellent browsers around they aim at building an extensible browser, written completely in Java. The Lobo browser should be the first ever browser written in Java. It is developed to completely support HTML4, CSS2, Javascript(AJAX), JavaFX and Java Swing. The browser uses […]

MozSwing – A smart browser built on XUL and Java Swing

By • Sep 10th, 2008 • Filed under: Browsers, Open-Source, Ubuntu

The MozSwing project seeks to integrate Mozilla’s XUL framework with Sun’s Java Swing GUI framework, the result is a prism-like browser called MozSwing that can be download as a JNLP(Java Network Launching Protocol) file.