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Integrating Zoho Online Office Suite with Ubuntu [Ubuntu 10.04]

By • Apr 19th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu Mobile Developer, Jamie Bennett is working on a project that integrates the online Zoho office suite with Ubuntu, starting with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. Well the obvious question is, why another office suite when Ubuntu ships with OpenOffice.org Office Suite? Open Office is great but its just too heaver for systems with very low resources, […]

Ubuntu One Music Store for Banshee

By • Apr 10th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 10.04 ‘Lucid Lynx’ Beta 2 users can now enjoy the Ubuntu One Music Store from within the open source, cross-platform media player Banshee. You simply have to install this plug-in in a Terminal: sudo apt-get install banshee-extension-ubuntuonemusicstore and then launch Banshee. Now go to the Edit -> Preferences -> Extensions and enable ‘Ubuntu One […]

Sync UbuntuOne Contacts with your Mobile Phones

By • Apr 6th, 2010 • Filed under: Email, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Web Utilities, Windows

Ubuntu One is testing a new feature that extends the existing Ubuntu One contacts synchronization capabilities to support mobile phones. Before, syncing your contacts via Ubuntu One was limited only to desktops – for example, you could view and edit your Evolution contacts via Ubuntu One. Now with the ‘Mobile Contacts Sync’ service paclass Ubuntu […]

Synchronize Tomboy Notes with Ubuntu One

By • Jul 28th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu

For those who use Gnome’s in-built Tomboy notes, the easiest way to synchronize and share your notes automatically with all your Ubuntu computers is by using your Ubuntu One account rather than WebDAV or SSH. Ubuntu One is a Dropbox type of service by Canonical.

Ubuntu One Beta Finally Kicks Off

By • Jun 9th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu One Beta, the Dropbox type of service by Canonical has finally kicked off, but not for all. When my invitation arrived I quickly moved on to test it. A quick look; it is very intuitive, yes, but damn slow and often breaks – – that certainly why it’s still a beta. To install, just […]